First published in 1986, the 30-year Gerontology Year Book moves on to become an online tool: AGING-NEWS.NET . The new website aims to provide information on the latest scientific findings related to aging: Alzheimer, Frailty, Sarcopenia and Nursing Home Care and Research. To further enhance this portal, please let us know what could be of interest for our readers.

Corresponding Editors from the JFA, JPAD, JNHA, JARCP and JNHR :

Paul Aisen (San Diego, USA)                 John Morley (Saint Louis, USA)

Sandrine Andrieu (Toulouse, France)         Marcel Olde-Rikkert (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

Athanase Benetos (Nancy, France)           Antonio Parini (Toulouse, France)

Marco Canevelli (Roma, Italy)               Leocadio Rodriguez-Manas (Madrid, Spain)

Matteo Cesari (Toulouse, France)           Yves Rolland (Toulouse, France)

Liang-Kung Chen (Taiwan)                   Alan Sinclair (Luton, United Kingdom)

Antonio Cherubini (Perugia, Italy)         Stephanie Studenski (Pittsburgh, USA)

Jaime Fitten (Los Angeles, USA)             Ron Thomas (San Diego, USA)

Linda Fried (New York, NY, USA)             Jacques Touchon (Montpellier, France)

Giovanni Gambassi (Rome, Italy)             Bruno Vellas (Toulouse, France)

Philipp Garry (Albuquerque, USA)           Dennis Villareal (Huston, USA)

Jason Karlawish (Philadelphia, USA)         Natalio Vita (Toulouse, France)

Ara Khachaturian (Washington, USA)         Ladislav Volicer (Tampa, USA)

Zaven Khachaturian (Potomac, USA)           Jeremy Walston (Baltimore, USA)

Mia Kivipelto (Stockholm, Sweden)         Mike Weiner (San Francisco, USA)

Eric Larson (Seattle, USA)                   C.W. Won (Seoul, South Korea)

Christiaan Leeuwenburgh (Gainesville, USA)   Jean Woo (Hong Kong, China)

Emanuele Marzetti (Rome, Italy)


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